Madame Caramel

Black Mistresses Filming Day

We will be filming again on the 15th December from 12 O’clock to 6pm at the Murder Mile Dungeon ( they have a new address i shall reveal only to those attending) 

We will require 5 slaves ASAP. The way we  film is we required your to send us 6 BDSM interests that you like and thence will pair you with the mistress that enjoys the interests the most, I must state that all limits will be respected .


Black Mistress Filming more name TBC

Governess Pretty Painless

Mistress Lorraine

Goddess Asha

Madame Caramel

TV Mistress Noire

All slaves are require to pay £60 ASAP to

Ms W Guimaraes

12511169 -16-20-15

Once you done email me on

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