Madame Caramel

My Stay at Villa Dracone in Italy

I must confess i almost cancelled the trip due being extremely tired thanks to The goddess i did not. What an amazing super time i have with my Joris , the Wonderful with Mistress DaDa and Her slaves .

She was so kind tat she collected us at the airport using o her infamous wigs.

Always very friend and welcoming she took us with a open arms and driver us to have

the most amazing pizza i have had .. Pizza Fritte ? Yes Fried Pizza Mama Mia …

We then went our away into to Villa Dracone where we were greeted by her slaves there were working really hard , hoovering , cleaning etc..,

I must said that i love Spartacus her right arm , always welcoming , fun and exciting to talk to, is so funny when he reads into song .

Then i Met Caramello , Max and the blue shit boy that i forget his name , all very well trained an pleasing .

Now the Villa is still a work in progress but the main size is complete and amazing decorated , amazing warm colours and amazing art.

My room had balcony very spacious , beautifully decorated i slept like a Queen .

The day continues with an aperitif in one of the dinning rooms an chat , follow by dinner in the most amazing room .

Mistress and Mistress Dada where seating in a high table where we could see how servants eating and the night became really special when i ask all the boys to recite a poem and speak about Female Supremacy.


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